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About Tonya J. Brown

Tonya Brown

Tonya Brown is a writer, speaker, and mentoring coach who is captivated by the power of story. Her love for teaching and passion for mentoring served as the catalyst for her involvement in launching Word Weavers Charlotte and Caring for the Heart Women’s Ministry.


Her writing encourages fellow sojourners to consider their choices and weigh the consequences. Her short stories can be found in Guideposts Extraordinary Answers to Prayer series, on Max Lucado's His is Mine site, and in Bethany House’s book Love is a Flame. She contributes devotions online at Christian Devotions and is currently working on her first women’s contemporary novel in her Two Roads series.


Her desire is to walk with others as they find emotional healing in Jesus and encourage them to share their stories of God’s amazing ability to redeem every situation and restore damaged relationships.


Random stuff about Tonya:

  • She can’t decide if she prefers the mountains or the beaches of the Carolinas

  • Enjoys taking pictures with a macro lens

  • Cheers (enthusiastically) for the Indianapolis Colts and IU Hoosiers basketball (because that’s what you do if you grew up in Indiana)

  • Finds the essence of words fascinating

  • Eats ice cream even on the coldest day in winter

  • Gets mesmerized by the sight and sound of campfire flames and ocean waves

  • Became addicted to sweet tea before she ever moved to the South


Find out what lessons Tonya is learning and ideas she’s entertaining on these sites:

Caring for the Heart Women's Ministry

About the Journey


Latest Blog Post:

My story or His story



Tonya is on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+


PASSPORT FOR THE JOURNEY, 21 Day Challenge will make a great gift for those preparing to go on mission trips, graduates launching into the next phase of life, or teams embarking on a new endeavor.


The travel-sized devotional will slip easily into any briefcase, purse, or pocket.  Each entry in this book can be read in a couple of minutes but is enough food to meditate on the entire day—great for a personal devotional, or for use by a group as an opener for meetings. The content is written for Millennial Generation believers who are ready to embark on a new experience with God.

Challenging and thought-provoking, PASSPORT FOR THE JOURNEY is divided into three parts each containing seven daily readings. The first section explores God’s purposes. The second invites readers into a deeper personal relationship with God. The final segment challenges believers to persevere in their calling.


Buy the paperback here or at (in the US, the UK, Canada, & the EU--coming soon to Australia and Mexico!)  Also sold at Barnes&Noble and other fine retailers.
Want an Ebook version?  No problem!  It's available on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, the Apple iStore, and many other fine retailers globally!



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by Wild Flower Press, Inc.


Prov. 16:3

Wild Flower Press, Inc.

PO Box 2532, 

Leland, NC 28451

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